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Sponsors and Donations

The Paetow High School Band relies on donations and support from its alumni, friends, community, and more to continue to be able to provide the incredible life-changing experiences for its members, with stunning, entertaining performances for its audiences and our community! 

Please consider showing your support today to help ensure the band program can continue to operate at the highest levels with continued growth and success. Using the DONATE NOW button above, you'll find donation amounts in large or small. All donations are tax deductible and every amount raised goes directly back to the phenomenal students in the Paetow High School Band! 


We are always looking for sponsors and donations! If you know anyone, or any companies, that would like to be sponsors and or donate to our program and students, please help get us in contact with them, or send them the sponsorship form below!  


Blue Maple - December Thank you.png
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